Our HR Mission & Policy

HR Mission Statement:

We evaluate the real achievements of our employees at Nanogenair based on their application of business principles and their contributions to the dissemination thereof.

To ensure organizational success, we provide necessary support to management levels and employees in all Engineering departments to secure, develop, and maintain an adequate human resources pool that adheres to collaborative and group values.

We plan and provide opportunities for the education and career development of our employees, considering both company goals and personal objectives and competencies, in line with the principle of “Equal Opportunity.”

HR Policy Statement:

In our Nanogenair group, we operate within the framework of the principle that “No Success is Without a Plan” when selecting our staff. We prefer to work with personnel who possess qualities suitable for the qualifications required by the job. We motivate our employees through a constructive and participatory management style.

We evaluate individuals’ performance and individual contributions, and based on constructive and real work examples, we mutually assess career goals and training needs through target and competency-based performance evaluations. We provide input to the planning of training programs aimed at individuals’ professional and personal development, as well as career planning and promotion systems.

Privacy Statement:

We prioritize honesty in our relationships with our customers, employees, suppliers, business partners, the community, and all organizations. We protect customer information and confidential information, establish long-term and lasting relationships. We adhere to promises, and consider completing our work on time and in the most accurate manner as our most important responsibility.

Our Brand Value:

Our engineering identity is shaped by our quality and brand value. We adopt a data-driven, process-oriented management approach in our activities. We believe in participatory, fair, and democratic governance, understanding the necessity of institutionalization, and the importance of an organization system that is learning-oriented and open to criticism.